Mr. T Poses for the Autumn Shoots

October 16, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

20151016-_DSC1084Mr. T's Autumn PoseMr. T posing for his Autumn portrait at Dog School 101. Whenever I need a promo shot for a pet portrait event, Mr. T gets stuck being the model.  He has posed with Santa, The Easter Bunny, with his backpack, swimming, basking in the sunshine, running in snow etc.  When he sees my camera, I can see the thought bubbles..... "Great, what does he want me to do now?  He'd better not be out of treats."

This shot was taken on my Autumn set at Dog School 101 in Marietta, Georgia. Exposure info: Sony a99 with Tamron 70-300mm @130mm, f5.6 1/200 with two Paul C. Buff Einstein 640 flashes set at about a 100° angle and approximately a 1:2 light ratio.

